Angel Wishes (Mini Cards) – Debbie Malone

Angel Wishes (Mini Cards) – Debbie Malone


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Angel Wishes
Author/Illustrator:  Debbie Malone
Description:  40-card mini deck
ISBN: 978-1-9250-1700-7
Publisher:  Rockpool Publishing, May 2013
Inspiration Guidance from your Angels

Angel Wishes Cards by Debbie Malone are the follow up to the hugely success Angel Whispers. A beautifully boxed set of 40 affirmation cards that were inspired and channelled from Debbie’ s Angels.

Pick a message each morning before you start your day to see what guidance or encouragement your angels wish to share with you. Remember your Angels love to guide and help you. You are never alone!

Sydney-based Debbie Malone is an acclaimed and highly respected psychic, clairvoyant, psychometry expert and spirit medium.  Debbie assists Australia-wide police departments with great success to solve murder investigations and missing persons.  Her invaluable assistance with the police on both cold cases and active investigations have proved uncannily accurate.  Debbie specialises in Paranormal Spirit Photography and in 2013, she was awarded as the Australian Psychic of the Year.  Debbie’s gift has enabled her to see beyond the here and now and she draws strength from using the world of spirit to help both others and herself, and from knowing that we are Never Alone.

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