Aspecting the Goddess – Jane Meredith

Aspecting the Goddess – Jane Meredith


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Author:  Jane Meredith
Description:  308-page book
ISBN: 978-1-7853-5603-2
Publisher:  Moon Books Publishing, 2018
Drawing Down the Divine Feminine

Aspecting the Goddess is a memoir, a workbook, and an exploration of twelve different Goddess myths.  Aspecting, or drawing down a Goddess, is an invitation to share our bodies and our experience with the divine feminine.  Step by Step, this book unfolds different levels of this practice.

Jane Meredith is an author and ritualist.  She is passionate about myth, magic, and the evocation of the divine.  Her books include Journey to the Dark Goddess and Circle of Eight: Creating Magic for Your Place on Earth.  Jane lives in Australia and presents workshops worldwide and as distance courses.

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