Bohemian Animal Tarot – Scott Alexander King

Bohemian Animal Tarot – Scott Alexander King


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The Bohemian Animal Tarot
Author: Scott Alexander King
Illustrator:  Sharon McLeod
Description:  80 cards with 192-page guidebook
ISBN:  978-1-9218-7860-2
Publisher:  Animal Dreaming Publishing, Mar 2019
The Bohemian Animal Tarot offers a totally unique Tarot experience.

Representing our archetypal aspects as part human and part animal, it explores the fundamental types of people and life situations entrenched in the collective psyche of all people.

The humanistic qualities of the Major Arcana may also symbolically represent our emotional and spiritual development from the newborn infant to adult, while the animalistic side could be said to mirror our inherent primordial strengths and weaknesses.

Scott Alexander King is an author, teacher, public speaker, psychic medium, a practitioner of Earth Medicine, and Zoomancer: an individual that examines the habits and appearance of animals to help explain or reveal the future path of other people.  As far as he knows, he’s the only Zoomancer in Australia!  Having spent almost two years training daily under a medicine elder, and with 13 publications currently on the international market, all centred on animal symbolism, totemism, and spirit animals, Scott calls his path ANIMAL DREAMING – a shamanic path that directly draws upon the wisdom, symbolism and medicine ways of animals.  Australian-born, Scott lives in the picturesque, subtropical Northern Rivers, located 30 minutes inland from New South Wale’s iconic Byron Bay, with his wife, three children, and a menagerie of rescued animals, including a camel, a miniature donkey, shetland ponies, and alpacas.

Sharon McLeod was born an artist.  Deeply inspired by Nature, the goddess in her many forms and the existence of Faeries, Sharon’s great-grandmother taught her many of the old ways of the Anglo-Saxon Gypsy.  With a bloodline that goes way back through Poland to the Romany Gypsies on her mother’s side, and to the McLeod’s mystical blood of the Faeries on her father’s, Sharon naturally loves ‘all things Gypsy’; from gypsy caravans, tarot cards, magicians, cupid dolls to the myriad of curious circus performers that many Gypsies became.  She is famous for her illustrations in Witchcraft Magazine and Europe’s Fae Magazine.  Sharon and her two girls live a bohemian life in Queensland’s beautiful Springbrook region, where they eat from their organic vegetable garden and spend their days painting and drawing.

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