Dodging Energy Vampires – Dr Christiane Northrup

Dodging Energy Vampires – Dr Christiane Northrup


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Author:  Christiane Northrup
Description:  227 page book
ISBN:  978-1-4019-5479-6
Publisher: Hay House, 2018
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An Empath’s Guide to evading relationships that drain you and restoring your health and power

 This book is about owning and celebrating your highly sensitive, empathic nature for the gift it truly is to society and to the planet.  Highly sensitive empathic people carry huge amounts of inner light because they see life through the eyes of compassion and caring.  Always.  They were born that way.  But it’s also a manual for how to repair your wounded self-esteem and self-worth and step out of the victim role that you may have been assigned in your family of origin.  Or by society.  Most importantly, this book will assist you in identifying and warding off the most common types of energy vampires who feed on your energy and make you susceptible to health, emotional, and financial problems.  

In these pages, Dr. Northrup opens up a toolbox full of techniques you can use to leave these harmful relationships behind; heal from the darkness they’ve cast over your mind, body, and spirit; and let your own light shine.  In the end, you may find yourself healthier, happier, wealthier, and more vibrant than you ever believed possible.

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