Pagan Portals: The First Sisters Lilith and Eve – Lady Haight-Ashton

Pagan Portals: The First Sisters Lilith and Eve – Lady Haight-Ashton


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Author:  Lady Haight-Ashton
Description:  94-page book
ISBN:  978-1-7890-4079-1
Publisher:  Moon Books, 2019
The tale of the first female, so troublesome she was erased from mythology to be replaced by her sister, Eve.

It was said in the beginning, in a garden called Eden, that woman was created at the same time as man, and not from his rib.  Lilith, the first female, created equal to stand as a partner, but she proved to be a person so troublesome that she vanishes from her rightful place in civilization’s mythological legends in place of Eve, the first wife.

With her younger sister Eve’s story heralding the future of all womankind, Lilith and her story stands alone as a testament to the Sacred Feminine and man’s fear of the mysteries that lie within her.  The First Sisters: Lilith and Eve is a gateway to a provocative awakening.

Lady Haight-Ashton is a Third Degree Gardnerian High Priestess, a Third Degree Cabot Witch within the Cabot Hermetic Temple, and a Priestess of Selket within the Fellowship of Isis, where she was also honoured with an Adepthood in Sacred Healing Dance.  She is the High Priestess of Sacred Moon Coven and the Iseam of the Graceful Goddess, member of the crossroads Lyceum and an elder within the Temple of Nine Wells in Salem, MA.  She is also the author of If Mermaids Could Dance and A Witch’s Diary.

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