Contemporary Witchcraft – Frances Billinghurst

Contemporary Witchcraft – Frances Billinghurst


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Author:  Frances Billinghurst
Description: 250 page book
ISBN:  978-1-7890-4664-9
Publisher:  Moon Books, August 2021
Foundational Practices for a Magical Life

There are an abundance of approaches to witchcraft and modern Wicca today with many encouraging an “anything goes” approach, opposed to what Gerald Gardner, the founder of modern witchcraft, set out.  Contemporary Witchcraft: Foundational Practices for a for the Magical Life offers an alternative for the seeker who wishes to gain a deeper understanding of a more traditional approach to the Craft.  By tapping into the essence of the teachings handed down by Gardner, and later Alex Sanders, this book provides the reader with invaluable tools and techniques that will enable them to set a foundation upon which to build their ongoing magical and spiritual practice.  Regardless of whether the seeker is interested in joining a coven or not, contemporary witchcraft is about dedication and devotion in order for the greater mysteries to be revealed.  Contemporary Witchcraft: A Foundation for the Magical Life offers an insight into how the non-initiate can achieve this in their own practices.

This book is aimed at providing a solid foundation to the art magical especially for those people who are interested in witchcraft, but also magick as a lot of what Frances discusses in the book stem from the teachings she initially received back in the 1990s, many of which she still utilises today.

Frances Billinghurst is the author of Dancing the Sacred Wheel: A Journey through the Southern Sabbats and In Her Sacred Name:  Writings on the Divine Feminine, Encountering the Dark Goddess, and the editor of Call of the God:  An Anthology Exploring the Divine Masculine within Modern Paganism.  When she is not writing, Frances is attempting to replicate the Hanging Gardens of Babylon on her patch of Australian dirt, beading, and journeying between the worlds.  

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