Dancing The Sacred Wheel – Frances Billinghurst

Dancing The Sacred Wheel – Frances Billinghurst


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Author:  Frances Billinghurst
Description: 273-page book
ISBN:  978-0-2447-5139-5
Publisher:  TDM Publishing, Nov 2012
A Journey Through the Southern Sabbats

There are eight earth-centric festivals (referred to as sabbats) that make up the ‘Wheel of the Year’, which celebrate the journey through the seasons.  In Dancing the Sacred Wheel, Frances draws from her own experience of following a traditional Pagan spiritual path and creating ritual over the last 20 plus years in south-central Australia.  In doing so, she combines traditional Pagan lore with personal experience, history with ritual, as well as developing an underlying relationship with her local environment.  She also offers invaluable pointers as to how to incorporate the localised elements into something that also provides a “traditional” feel.

Dancing the Sacred Wheel not only provides an in-depth look at the folklore and myth associated with each of these eight sabbats but also discusses ways of creating specific rituals and observances that acknowledge each seasonal ‘gateway’ when the local environment is reflecting something completely different.

While the focus of Dancing the Sacred Wheel is for the Southern Hemispheric practitioner, the author sets about to challenge the reader, regardless of which hemisphere they reside, to draw inspiration from their local environment, and to create a ‘Wheel of the Year’ that is completely unique for them.

Frances Billinghurst has been an initiate of contemporary wytchcraft for over 20 years and is the High Priestess of the Temple of the Dark Moon (Adelaide).  With an interest in mythology, folklore, and ancient history, Frances is a prolific writer with her articles appearing in numerous publications and anthologies including the Australian Witchcraft magazine, The CauldronUnto Herself: An Anthology in Honour of Independent GoddessA Mantle of Stars:  A Devotional Anthology to the Queen of HeavenWitchcraft Today: 60 Years On, and The Faerie Queens.

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