Call of the God – ed Frances Billinghurst

Call of the God – ed Frances Billinghurst


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Editor:  Frances Billinghurst
Description: 284-page book
ISBN:  978-1-5116-1222-7
Publisher:  TDM Publishing, Sep 2015
An Anthology exploring the Divine Masculine within Modern Paganism

Lurking amongst the shadows, slipping through our nightmares, teasing our peripheral vision, or simple crashing into our ordered lives, the God makes His presence felt in many ways.

From prehistoric paintings to the mystical wilderness of Arcadia, the power of the Pagan God can still be felt in this modern age as the beat of His hooves upon the earth entice us to reclaim the true power of the Divine Masculine.

This unique anthology contains a smorgasbord of essays, poems, fiction and artwork depicting the numerous manifestations of the God and how the Divine Masculine is depicted within modern Paganism around the world.

Some of the contributors to this anthology include Michael Howard (editor of The Cauldron who passed through the veil shortly after release of the anthology), Pete Jennings (past Pagan Federation president and author of many books), Anna Franklin (author of 30 books and decks including The Pagan Ways Tarot and The Sacred Circle Tarot), Tony and Candia McKormack from British Pagan band Inkubus SukkubusPolly Lind (New Zealand based tapestry artist), Peter Coughlin (writer of poetry, fiction and non-fiction), and Patrick Larabee (artist and author of Whisperings from the Void).

Frances Billinghurst is the author of Dancing the Sacred Wheel: A Journey through the Southern Sabbats and In Her Sacred Name:  Writings on the Divine Feminine, and Encountering the Dark Goddess.  With an interest in mythology, folklore, and ancient history, Frances is a prolific writer with her articles appearing in numerous publications and anthologies including the Australian Witchcraft magazine, The CauldronUnto Herself: An Anthology in Honour of Independent GoddessA Mantle of Stars:  A Devotional Anthology to the Queen of HeavenWitchcraft Today: 60 Years On, and The Faerie Queens. When she is not writing, Frances is attempting to replicate the Hanging Gardens of Babylon on her patch of Australian dirt, beading, and journeying between the worlds.  

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