Tag: #chooseacardreading

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello from Doyalson, where I’m offering Crystals and Tarot Readings at the Crystals, Wellness and Harmony event this weekend.Β  If you saw last week’s email, I can report that my van is now repaired and I am happily mobile again πŸ‘.Β  I hope your weekend is going well.Β  Now, today’s Post is an abbreviated one

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello from Gwandalan, the second half of my trip home from Whyalla has been great catching up with friends each day.  A little set back with my van yesterday but it should be resolvable easily 🀞🀞.  I hope your weekend is going well.  Now, today’s Post is an abbreviated one again, so let’s get into

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello from Whyalla, it’s been a great start to my travelling year and great to meet up with the Miracles family again.  Today is the second day of the Fair so I’m writing this over breakfast to ensure it gets out to you now.  I hope your weekend is going well and a Happy Chinese

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello from Gwandalan, as expected, I’ve been spending this week getting things ready to take off for Whyalla next Tues 🚐.  After my financial difficulties last year, I’ve lost my two bookseller accounts, so you may notice that I’m refocusing on crystals, jewellery and incense, with less of a full-on focus on books and decks. 

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello from Gwandalan , it’s Monday evening and I really outdid myself over the weekend πŸ˜‚.  You know, I really like to write these posts properly and doing them in between other things doesn’t work well, so here we are.  I was excited to see my friend’s band in Northern Sydney on Friday, and then
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