Category: Intuitive Process

Article sharing my intuitive process and things I’m learning and observing along the way.

The 8 of Cups

He holds the first Cup and peers in to inspect the contents. The Cup is filled to the brim with worms of Worry. He sits it down in the sandy bank and reaches into his bag for the second. This Cup was half filled with Regrets…Regret for the time he didn’t say No, or didn’t

Post-Reflection Reflections

Last week I decided to withdraw from a weekend event about 6 hours away from home. I had decided that, since it was scheduled to rain, and I had an outdoor stall booked, plus I was camping, I would just as likely only cover costs and I would be better off staying at home.  I

Spring Rains allow for reflection

I did something I rarely do, and that’s cancel attendance at an event. Particularly in a town I enjoy visiting.  However, sometimes you have to follow your gut feeling to pull the plug and stay home. I mean, it was raining, storming, winds, hail……well, maybe not hail, but you get what I mean!  So I

Intuition in Practice

This morning, I started working through my list of jobs – I had 3 customers booked in for shopping and readings and around them, I had to shift stock, crates, set up and re-pack the aura camera!  I am sure I moved each crate about four times in two days. After my last client left,
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