Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello from Gwandalan , it’s Monday evening and I really outdid myself over the weekend πŸ˜‚.  You know, I really like to write these posts properly and doing them in between other things doesn’t work well, so here we are.  I was excited to see my friend’s band in Northern Sydney on Friday, and then my husband’s band in Gwandalan on Saturday and then the Ettalong Lifestyle & Mystics Fair on Sunday and then I ran out of puff πŸ˜‚.  I’ll be spending the rest of the week getting things ready to take off for Whyalla at the end of Jan 🚐.  Now, let’s look up to the Moon and into the Tarot for some guidance for the week ahead.  For my upcoming Calendar, please scroll to the end of this post 🧑.

Stand at Ettalong Lifestyle & Mystics Fair

In preparation for today’s Oracle Inspiration, centre yourself, take a clearing breath, and ask, β€˜which card holds an inspiring message for me?’ – and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering:  Left, Middle, Right, or All Three.  As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

Tue 21 Jan is a Third Quarter Moon in Libra β™Ž – The pull towards balance and harmony is strong but beware of not being honest and truthful in order to keep the peace.Β  Be You, despite others’ expectations of you.Β  The energy of this phase is completion, forgiveness and transformation.Β  Ask yourself:Β  Were my actions in alignment with my intention?Β  How do I need to acknowledge completion of my goal?

Now, are you ready for your messages?……Today’s cards are from The Symdala Tarot  (Jennifer Cooper Steidley).

Left Card:

7 of Wands challenge, tenacity, conviction, defense, opposition.  This card’s message is about defending your seat of power, taking a stand, standing up to bullies, reinforcing your boundaries, holding your ground against opposers.  Your tenacity is what will see you through this time, having the determination to continue what you are doing or the quality of not giving up something easily.

Middle Card:

Page of Swords ideas, truth, communication, enthusiasm, curiosity, learning.  This card’s message is about new ideas and projects, being open-minded, learning a new way of doing something, speaking up for yourself or for another, different learning styles, learning a new language, a clever child that keeps you on your toes, good news is coming.  Being curious maintains the flow of information and continuous learning.

Right Card:

4 of Pentaclesfrugality, savings, control, scarcity, greed, materialism.  This card’s message is about examining your relationship with money, fearing financial loss, holding on too tightly, hoarding, placing too much importance on things, slow and steady financial accumulation.  Learning to see money as an energetic resource will help with making wise decisions about how to earn, save and spend your money.

All three cards:

These three cards have appeared today to encourage you to examine what you are wanting to protect or defend.Β  Is there more you could learn that will strengthen your position or are you holding on to something just for the sake of having it?

I write these posts intuitively and hope you still find these messages inspirational, as I do enjoy preparing them for you – feel free to comment on this post on my website (that helps with the SEO) – perhaps you can share what is happening for you this week – I read every comment and I love to hear from you.   Thank you for inviting me into your inbox each week – I look forward to seeing you in some way soon πŸ’š.

Jo Avalon (20 Jan 2025)

Awabakal Country

PS. Would you like your own personal Crystal and Tarot Reading this week?Β  I am available for in-person and email readings – head to for my email reading options, as well as information on how I can help you πŸ™.

PPS. My Calendar of events so far:

  • Tue 21 Jan – readings in Wallsend
  • Tue 28 Jan – readings in Narromine
  • Wed 29 Jan – readings in Cobar
  • Thu 30 Jan – readings in Broken Hill
  • Sat 1 & Sun 2 Feb – Miracles in Whyalla Psychic Fair
  • Sun 9 Feb – readings at Elizabeth’s Crystal Garden in Campbelltown
  • Sat 15 & Sun 16 Feb – Crystals, Wellbeing and Harmony Fair in Doyalson

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