Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello from Gwandalan, as expected, I’ve been spending this week getting things ready to take off for Whyalla next Tues 🚐.  After my financial difficulties last year, I’ve lost my two bookseller accounts, so you may notice that I’m refocusing on crystals, jewellery and incense, with less of a full-on focus on books and decks.  Hence, I’m rebranding as Jo Avalon’s Soul Treasures (rather than Soul Bookshop).  There you go, you just attended my rebrand launch 📢 thanks so much for coming 🤣.  Now, let’s look up to the Moon and into the Oracle for some guidance for the week ahead.  For my upcoming Calendar, please scroll to the end of this post 🧡.

I’ll be there reading Crystals and Tarot 💚

In preparation for today’s Oracle Inspiration, centre yourself, take a clearing breath, and ask, ‘which card holds an inspiring message for me?’ – and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering:  Left, Middle, Right, or All Three.  As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

Sat 25 Jan is a Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius ♐ – when you search for meaning in life, a philosophy, mission or series of goals gives you purpose and direction.  Sagittarius encourages an optimistic approach to life and a mantra that will get better, even when things seem tough.  Waning Crescent Moon energy is about surrender and clearing energy.  Ask yourself:  How do I feel about the previous moon cycle?  How can I use these insights to improve my life?

Wed 29 Jan is the New Moon in Aquarius ♒ – understanding your feelings is important, and although Aquarius desires emotional freedom, that same detachment can assist with getting free from negative, denser emotions such as fear, anger and jealousy.   New Moon energy is about new beginnings and exploring the unseen.  Ask yourself:  What do I want to bring forward in my life right now?

Now, are you ready for your messages?……Today’s cards are from Practical Magic: An Oracle for Everyday Enchantment (Serene Conneeley and Selina Fenech).

Left Card:

27 Let the Past Die – Death and endings don’t have to be scary.  They can be the start of something new and wonderful, if you have the courage to let go and move forward.  Death is part of the cycle of life and a reminder to live every moment to the full without regret. Death brings grief and despair, but in its non-literal sense, it also creates focus and clarity, nudges you forward on your path, and ushers in rebirth and growth.  You may be mourning the loss of something dear to you, just know that you are strong enough to handle this loss and there is something wonderful ahead that you weren’t able to see while you were consumed by the thing that is now ending. Letting go will transform your whole life and allow you to become all that you are meant to be.  You can choose to see this as a positive, honour the old and thank it, then embrace the new.

Middle Card:

13 Shine Your Light Live up to all the promise and potential within you and never play small, diminish your achievements, or dim your light for anyone.  Be radiant.  Burn brightly.  Sparkle and glow.  You have no idea how much you inspire people, just by being you – how many may be watching you, appreciating the path you leave them to follow in your footsteps.  Celebrate your successes, so everyone knows all the wonderful things that are possible for.  Share your struggles too, so others don’t feel alone.  Limiting yourself and playing small doesn’t help anyone – not you or the person you’re trying to protect.  So be a light in the world and help lift others to reach their own potential.  Lead by example.  Be your best self.  Know that you deserve all the good things in your life, all the opportunities that come to you and all the successes you attain.

Right Card:

3 Feel Your EmotionsGet in touch with how you’re really feeling, so you can tap into your intuition, be empowered, and react from a place of love, not fear.  Being in touch with your emotions makes you a better friend and more able to communicate your needs. Emotional awareness will also increase your ability to make faster, more effective decisions, take advantage of opportunities and experiences, improve your well-being, open you up to new ideas, and teach you about yourself and what you want to achieve.  Denial and avoidance may save you some pain in the short-term, but they are ultimately disempowering, and can lead to depression, irritability, exhaustion, stress, and anger.  If you can acknowledge and express your feelings, you’ll be kinda, and more connected to yourself.  You will build inner strength as well as compassion for yourself.

All three cards:

These three cards have appeared today to encourage you to tell you it’s time to let the past go.  If you’ve been considering change, start now.  Be sure to acknowledge all the feelings around this situation and to express them in order to release them.  No longer will you be playing small and hiding your light.  It is safe to dream big and act accordingly.  Go forth!

I write these posts intuitively and hope you still find these messages inspirational, as I do enjoy preparing them for you – feel free to comment on this post on my website (that helps with the SEO) – perhaps you can share what is happening for you this week – I read every comment and I love to hear from you.   Thank you for inviting me into your inbox each week – I look forward to seeing you in some way soon 💚.

Jo Avalon (25 Jan 2025)

Awabakal Country

PS. Would you like your own personal Crystal and Tarot Reading this week?  I am available for in-person and email readings – head to for my email reading options, as well as information on how I can help you 🙏.

PPS. My Calendar of events so far:

  • Tue 28 Jan – readings in Narromine, NSW
  • Wed 29 Jan – readings in Cobar, NSW
  • Thu 30 Jan – readings in Broken Hill, NSW
  • Sat 1 & Sun 2 Feb – Miracles in Whyalla Psychic Fair, SA
  • Sun 9 Feb – readings at Elizabeth’s Crystal Garden in Campbelltown, NSW
  • Sat 15 & Sun 16 Feb – Crystals, Wellness and Harmony Fair at  Doyalson RSL, NSw

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