Chakra Love (Mini Cards) – Katie Manekshaw

Chakra Love (Mini Cards) – Katie Manekshaw


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Artist:  Katie Manekshaw
Description:  40 mini cards
ISBN: 978-1-9259-2425-1
Publisher:  Rockpool Publishing, April 2020
Raise Your Crystal Vibrations

Crystals raise your vibration and create a more energetic flow and balance in your chakra system. There are seven major chakra centres in your body through which subtle energy flows;  using crystals to support this energy flow is an effective way to awaken a new sense of emotional balance and well-being.

With over two decades of experience in crystal and chakra energy healing, Katie Manekshaw is passionate in providing spiritual education and awareness to energy healing for people to achieve more emotional, physical and spiritual balance.  From the success, Katie has since visited numerous countries around the world running chakra awareness workshops and events as well as presenting as a keynote speaker at both Wanderlust Yoga Festival and Mind Body Spirit Festivals.

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