Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle
Hello from Gwandalan 😊!  I hope you’re enjoying your weekend in whatever form it’s taking. Things didn’t quite go to plan this week and so I’ve been working from home instead of hitting the road.  These are the last of my booked-in events – I’d love to see you if you’re local to any of these:
- 25 Aug (Sun) – 1pm live sale on my Facebook page:
- 1 Sep – Psychic Intuitive Reading at The Witches Charm in Warners Bay, NSW
- 8 Sept – Your Soul Expo in Lake Macquarie, NSW

Now, here is your Oracle Post – enjoy!
Let’s get into today’s Oracle Inspiration for you! Take a minute to centre yourself, take a clearing breath, and ask, ‘which card holds an inspiring message for me?’ – and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering: Left, Middle, Right, or All Three. As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

Sat 24 Aug is a Waning Gibbous Moon in Taurus ♉. You might be feeling a need for stability, and it is necessary to accept change as part of life. The key is to look within yourself for your respect rather than looking to the outside world. This will assist you to not be as buffeted by outside world influences. The energy of the Waning Gibbous Moon is assessing, gratitude and releasing. What needs to change to help you achieve a more peaceful life?
Now, are you ready for your messages?……Today’s cards are from the Crystal Oracle (Toni Carmine Salerno).

Left Card:
Stichtite in Serpentine – This beautiful Tasmanian stone is a rare combination of the green Serpentine and violet Stichtite and is often known as Atlantisite, because of the way it has risen from below the ocean floor where it was formed. This crystal appears to offer a calming and meditative space to you. In order to make the most use of this space, you need to release your fears and worries to Source, because only Source can provide you with the solution to your troubles. Fears and worries take up a lot of space in your mind and heart, and therefore your body, so a chakra cleanse will also be of benefit to you, and will clear the space required to receive solutions and a way forward. Affirmation: I am clear, calm and ready to receive.
Middle Card:
Amber – Amber carries an ancient energy as it is fossilised tree resin, sometimes containing insects or tree ferns. Found across the world, but most famously on the shores of the Baltic Sea, it is both a sturdy yet delicate gem. Amber is a powerful solar plexus gem that symbolises Life Energy and the magic of the Sun. It has appeared today to help you balance your Spiritual mind (your Knowing direct from Source) with your Intellect (your Knowing from experience). As neither is more important than the other, discerning how you know what you know will increase your self-esteem. Affirmation: I trust my own knowing, both from Source and my own Experience.
Right Card:
Kyanite – This beautiful stone forms deep in the Earth’s crust and the high pressure can create different crystalline structures. Here, Blue Kyanite appears to you to offer a purifying energy that allows you to align with your centre. Thus, your intuitive insight is stimulated and enhanced. Kyanite assists with creative expression, truth and loyalty.  Affirmation: I am intuitive, creative and speak my truth.
All three cards:
These three cards have appeared today to tell you that in order to regain your calm, you must give your fears and worries over to the Divine to take care of. Take yourself to your centre to discern and balance your intuitive and experiential knowing. Trusting your Knowing will stimulate your intuitive insights and assist your creative expression and truth. Affirmation: I am calm, centred, connected and creative.
I hope you find these messages inspirational for you today, I do enjoy preparing them for you – feel free to comment on this post on my website – perhaps you can share what is happening for you this week – I read every comment and I love to hear from you.  Thank you for inviting me into your inbox each week – I look forward to seeing you in some way in 2024 💚.
Jo Avalon (24 Aug 2024)
Awabakal Country
Would you like your own personal crystal reading this week? I am available for in-person and email reading – head to for my email reading options, as well as information about the Your Soul Expo in Lake Macquarie.