Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello 😊! This week, the mobile shop is taking a rest in Boolaroo. It’s a good time to take refresh and restock the shelves, ready for my next popup – Lake Haven Centre (31 July-6 August). If you’re in the area, do come and say Hi, it would be lovely to see you in person.Β  If you want to have Avalon by Nature visit your town, please get in touch so we can organise something.

Now, let’s get into today’s Oracle Inspiration for you!  Take a minute to settle, centre, and take a cleansing breath – ask, β€˜which card holds an inspirational message for me?’ – and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering, either Left, Middle, Right, or All Three. As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

It’s Sunday 23 July and a Waxing Crescent Moon in Libra.Β  You may feel a stronger need for balance and harmony. It might be tempting to avoid the difficult topics at this time, but it is important to share your good and bad feelings, to show who you really are, despite other’s expectations.

Now, are you ready for your messages?……Today’s cards are fromΒ Angel Wisdom Tarot (Raleigh Valentine).

Left Card:

Ten of Earth (Pentacles) – indicates a period of financial security and contentment. It shows that provision has been made for family and or retirement and this is as much a show of love as emotional displays.

Middle Card:

Eight of Water (Cups) – indicates it’s time to move on! You’ve outgrown your current experiences and are yearning for something more. Perhaps you’re wanting to declutter possessions or even old emotional patterns. You can take small steps towards these goals, as even taking the decision to make change is helping to shift the energy. In any case, it’s time to get going, you’re ready!

Right Card:

Three of Water (Cups) – indicates that you’ve received some great news and it’s time for a celebration! It might be something big, or small and significant. Either way, remember to give thanks to Source for these blessings. This card can also be a reminder to spend time with loved ones and show how much you love and cherish them.

All Three Cards:

These cards together says the preparations you’ve made to make a big change are well and truly underway. It’s time to say goodbye and leave the situation you’ve outgrown. You’re well prepared and provisioned for this step. There will be time for celebration and thanksgiving when you’ve arrived at your next post.

I hope you find these messages inspirational for you today, I do enjoy preparing them for you – feel free to comment on this post on my website – perhaps you can share what is happening for you this week – I read every comment and I’d love to hear from you.  My in-person Intuitive Readings are available again – you can ring 0414775612 to book in or if you’re short of time, purchase an Email Reading here.

Jo Avalon (23 July 2023)

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