Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello from Whyalla, it’s been a great start to my travelling year and great to meet up with the Miracles family again.  Today is the second day of the Fair so I’m writing this over breakfast to ensure it gets out to you now.  I hope your weekend is going well and a Happy Chinese Lunar New Year 🐍 to you also.  Now, today’s Post is an abbreviated one, so let’s get into the Oracle for some guidance for the week ahead.  For my upcoming Calendar, please scroll to the end of this post 🧡.

Saturday morning sunrising-over-the-fence

In preparation for today’s Oracle Inspiration, centre yourself, take a clearing breath, and ask, ‘which card holds an inspiring message for me?’ – and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering:  Left, Middle, Right, or All Three.  As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

Sun 2 Feb is a Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries ♈ . 

Now, are you ready for your messages?……Today’s cards are from Practical Magic: An Oracle for Everyday Enchantment (Serene Conneeley and Selina Fenech).

Left Card:

Discipline – an unruly dog is a hazard to itself and others.  The animal which has learned discipline and obedience can be trusted and will loyally and lovingly serve its master.  It is then allowed off its lead. Through discipline comes freedom.  The master you are called on to obey is your Higher Self.  You came to Earth on a mission and only self-discipline will enable you to fulfill it.   Ask your angels for their help and support so that your life becomes happy and rewarding and divinely directed.  Discipline is a key to fulfilling your destiny.  Affirmation: Self-discipline brings me freedom.

Middle Card:

Archangel Michael – When you are blessed with this angel card, you are guided to invoke Archangel Michael to help protect and strengthen you.  He will increase your ability to deal with problems, so ask him to cut with his sword any emotional cords which bind you to people, stuck situations or past memories.  Then ask him to fill you with strength and love.  He will shield you from destructive thoughts, emotions and actions of others.  Archangel Michael works on the blue ray, giving strength and courage.  Call for his help and visualize yourself wearing a deep-blue cloak, securely fastened.  This will  place you under his protection.  He is the master of all Angels, a great warrior spirit.  Within his Light, you will feel more secure, have more confidence, energy and power.  Affirmation:  I am strong and protected by Archangel Michael.

Right Card:

Clarity – Angel wisdom reminds you that a busy, cluttered mind is a sick one and a still, clear mind is a divine one.  Allow the wisdom in your heart to radiate out and dissolve the chatter of your mind.  Know that your angel has drawn this to your attention and is waiting to help you in your task.  Sit quietly so that you can find the stillness within.  Then you can shine a pure, clear light onto every area of your life.  In the clarity of this light the Angels will reveal a new way of being.  You will see things differently and be able to make decisions from strength and clarity.  Affirmation:  My mind is quiet, still and clear.

I write these posts intuitively and hope you still find these messages inspirational, as I do enjoy preparing them for you – feel free to comment on this post on my website (that helps with the SEO) – perhaps you can share what is happening for you this week – I read every comment and I love to hear from you.   Thank you for inviting me into your inbox each week – I look forward to seeing you in some way soon 💚.

Jo Avalon (2 Feb 2025)

Awabakal Country

PS. Would you like your own personal Crystal and Tarot Reading this week?  I am available for in-person and email readings – head to for my email reading options, as well as information on how I can help you 🙏.

PPS. My Calendar of events so far:

  • Sat 1 & Sun 2 Feb – Miracles in Whyalla Psychic Fair, SA
  • Sun 9 Feb – readings at Elizabeth’s Crystal Garden in Campbelltown, NSW
  • Sat 15 & Sun 16 Feb – Crystals, Wellness and Harmony Fair at  Doyalson RSL, NSw
  • Tue 18 Feb – readings in Wallsend

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