Jo Avalon’s Saturday Oracle
I hope you have been doing something enjoyable today and are ready for this Saturday’s Oracle Inspiration. Let’s get into today’s cards!
Current Moon Phase: A ‘Waning Crescent in Libra’
- The waning crescent moon has the energy of surrender, taking care to Let Go, trying not to control the world around you. To feel peace, spend time being mindful, going with the flow, and surrendering your worries to the Divine.
- Libra lends the energy of keeping things balanced and in harmony. Remember to share your good and bad feelings, don’t hide who you really are, despite what’s expected of you.
So, why not take a minute to settle, centre, and take a deep breath – ask, ‘which card holds an inspirational message for me?’ and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering, either Left, Middle, or Right. As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!
I’ve been set up within Armidale Centre (with Woolworths) since Monday, and will be here until Thurs 22 Dec. You might have seen my pic on FB of the gumtrees along the road after climbing Moonbi Hills? I’ve often driven through stands of gum trees and they just look so majestic. Looking at them at an angle from the road is so beautiful, I can’t really find an adequate description, other than ‘community’, they look like a community but as soon as I stop to take a photo, they are individual trees again! Have you ever found that?
Now, are you ready for your message?……Today’s cards are from Angel Of Light Cards by Diana Cooper.
The Left card
Co-operation: Angel wisdom suggests that you use your skills and talents for the common good. Eliminate power struggles, conflict and competition, which come from an ego desire to win. Co-operation for the highest good promotes harmony and togetherness and draws the best from everyone. Make it your aim that everyone has a sense of satisfaction from work done. Then you become a spreader of goodwill and harmony. Your angel guidance is to being people together and explore how you can mutually assist each other. Your attitude of sharing will ensure that you benefit in your turn, for the angels will bless your endeavours. Affirmation: I co-operate with everyone
The Middle card
Honesty: Angel wisdom reminds you that your every thought, word, emotion and action is reflected in your aura. When you are honest, your aura is crystal clear. Everyone know where they are with you and feels totally safe. The angels suggest that you look within and purify any murky thoughts and feelings. Wen you are totally honest with yourself, you behave with integrity and dare to be open, for there is nothing to hide. People respect and trust you. As you radiate a resonance of honesty, people respond to you with openness and honesty in their turn. Affirmation: I am honest in thought, word and deed
The Right card
Synchronicity: There is no such thing as chance in our incredible Universe. The coincidences and synchronicities are carefully orchestrated by your guides and angels – so recognise them as the hand of spirit. Rejoice when you notice them for they are the angels’ message to you that you are on the right path. Start to expect them and look for them. Be aware that there is a divine reason behind them and consider what the message or lesson is. Synchronicity is also a reminder to you that all things happen in divine timing. Affirmation: All things happen in perfect timing
All three cards together
Bringing people together to work in co-operation requires skills and honesty – you can’t fake it, and nor do you want to. By truly sharing yourself without holding back, you will be rewarded as there really is enough for all! How will you know when its right? When there’s synchronicity in your daily experience. Expect to be shown and you will be. Divine timing requires your co-operation and honesty to allow your true path to open up before you.
I hope you find these messages inspirational for you today, I do enjoy preparing them for you – leave a comment below if you like, I’d love to hear from you. If I have sent you here from Facebook or Instagram and you would rather receive the Saturday Afternoon Oracle directly into your inbox, then please sign up for a newsletter at the right of this page.
Jo Avalon (17 December 2022)
Words: from the cards themselves by Diana Cooper