Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello from Lake Macquarie.  Today I’m reading in the Soul Sanctuary area of Lost Paradise Festival until New Year’s Eve and prepared this for you a few days ago.     Now, let’s look up to the Moon and into the Tarot for some guidance.

Summerland Point

In preparation for today’s Oracle Inspiration, centre yourself, take a clearing breath, and ask, ‘which card holds an inspiring message for me?’ – and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering:  Left, Middle, Right, or All Three.  As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

Sat 28 is a Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius ♐.  With a moon in Sagittarius, you more easily have an optimistic approach to life and can readily believe that things will always improve.  This is great energy to be working within as you consider how you want to move into 2025.  Waning Crescent energy is about surrender (not giving up but handing over) and clearing energy.  Ask yourself:  How can I rest and recuperate?  How can I raise my vibration?

Tue 31 Dec is a New Moon in Capricorn ♑ – a rare combination so make the most of this opportunity to lend something extra to your New Year’s planning.  New Moon energy is about new beginnings, exploring the unseen, opportunity to take another step towards your wildest dreams.  Ask yourself:  What do I really want?  Where do I really want to go?  What is something I would like to manifest?

Now, are you ready for your messages?……Today’s cards are from Dragons:  Guardians of Truth  Cards (Gayatri Singh).

Left Card:

42 Expansion – You are being asked to expand your horizons.  You must live and not merely just endure every experience that comes in your existence.  Focus on those aspects of your life which you wish to expand, the experiences and emotions that make you happy and positive.  As you begin this process, you will find that deep fears, old patterns and traumas can be triggered very powerfully.  Understand that clearing this is a necessary step to expansion and eventually ascension.  When you feel these aspects come to surface, ask the Dragon of Expansion to release them so that you may be forward with your soul journey and create a positive reality for yourself.

Middle Card:

40 Acceptance – Acceptance does not mean approval.  In the past, you may have approved of things as they are in order to reduce suffering.  Those days are over.  Changing this habit will take time and effort.  It begins with accepting who you have been in the past.  Actions of the past, some of which were beyond your control.  Acknowledge your contribution in each situation, honour your feelings and let go in order to move forward.  The Dragon of Acceptance wishes to convey that you are blocking your blessings and has appeared in this reading to assist with raising your vibration.  The process will begin with your intention to move on and create experiences that will be in your favour.   Experiences that will make you peaceful and happy.  Let go of shame, blame and guilt.  They have not served you well.

Right Card:

41 Service – The key to your destiny lies in service.  You have been given an early initiation into the act of service to others which you have performed well.  The Dragon wishes for you to know that your every single effort has been acknowledged and accepted by the divine, even if you did not at times receive appreciation on the earth plane.  The Dragon of Service asks you to magnify this aspect of your personality and assist those who yearn for knowledge and communion.

All three cards:

These three cards have appeared today to encourage you to know that expansion is your responsibility, as you choose new experiences, your old patterns will need resolving and discarding.  Accept those past actions and experiences, forgive your participation and choose more.  Raise your vibration and shed the blame and shame.  Look for how you can continue to be of service, as you do this well and are appreciated for all that you do.

I write these posts intuitively and hope you still find these messages inspirational, as I do enjoy preparing them for you – feel free to comment on this post on my website (that helps with the SEO) – perhaps you can share what is happening for you this week – I read every comment and I love to hear from you.   Thank you for inviting me into your inbox each week – I look forward to seeing you in some way soon 💚.

Jo Avalon (28 Dec 2024)

Awabakal Country

PS. Would you like your own personal crystal reading this week?  I am available for in-person and email readings – head to for my email reading options, as well as information on how I can help you 🙏.

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