Jo Avalon’s Saturday Afternoon Oracle
How are you on this ‘First Quarter in Cancer’ Saturday afternoon? It’s been a lovely day here in Awaba/Lake Macquarie even after a showering start to the day. What’s it like where you are? I hope you are doing something enjoyable today and ready for this Saturday’s Oracle Inspiration.
So, why not take a minute to make a cuppa, settle, centre, and take a deep breath – ask, ‘which card holds a message for me?’ and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering, either Left, Middle, or Right. As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

Before you scroll down, a quick note that tomorrow is the last day of our New Moon sale, so if there are any treasures you’ve seen, now is the time to grab them and receive 30% off using the coupon NEWMOON :).
Are you ready for your message?……Today’s cards are from the Universal Love Healing Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno.

The Left card is Earth Connection
Be taken in by the warm and loving embrace of Mother Earth. Draw into her and draw her into you. Enter her cave for healing, nurture, and restoration. Dive into her waters for renewal. Stand in her rain for cleansing. Weather her fires for absolution. Be reborn in nature. Breathe her air and be filled with her. Beneath Your Feet she supports you. Listen and know the deep pounding of her heart. You are part of nature, in no way separate from her – love her and know her love. Allow your concerns to dissolve into the Earth and realise a clearer perspective. Let your heart and mind be moved by the unerring pulse of love and life that resounds from the core of our world. Feel its deep and constant vibration. Nourish every part of you. Be healed by Natures wise and loving heart.

The Middle card is Dreams
Waves of Healing Energy flow through you as you sleep, subconsciously restoring balance and healing unresolved emotional issues. An issue which most probably stems from a past life is now being processed and healed in your dream state. You may not be aware of how this issue has negatively impacted your perspective, energy levels or decision-making. Unseen limitations can manifest through unexplained negative feelings, self-doubt or irrational fear. The good news is you are already being aligned with positivity. There is nothing you need to do. Be patient and allow the process to unfold without trying to make sense of it. Trust in and embrace the possibility of happiness, meaning and fulfilment. You will soon be free of the negativity that has two often Sabotage your progress. A brighter, more confident you is surfacing from your dreams and stepping into reality.

The Right card is Answered Prayer
The Universe is listening and has heard your call for help. Your prayer will soon be answered. Expect a pleasant surprise in the coming week. The Butterfly Angel depicted on this card reflects the positive transformation now taking place. She has heard your heartfelt whispers. She knows your dreams, your fears and concerns. She has taken them into herself and changed their shape. The dull has turned to bright, the bound has found its wings, a wish becomes a truth. You question and now she answers. Listen and allow. She will fill your heart with love, joy and a reminder that you are never alone. Embrace her with your new wings of light! Her love for you is unconditional and spans all time & space. Gift her your troubles, she delights in their transformation and responds to every heartfelt call.

I hope you find these energy messages are supportive to you today, I do enjoy preparing them for you – leave a comment below if you like, I’d love to hear from you. If I have sent you here from Facebook or Instagram and you would rather receive the Saturday Afternoon Oracle directly into your inbox, then please sign up for a newsletter at the right of this page.
Jo Avalon (9 April 2022)
Words: Toni Carmine Salerno
2 thoughts on “Jo Avalon’s Saturday Afternoon Oracle”
Joanne Sainsbury
9 April 2022 at 7:33 pmThank you, it definitely rings true for me
Jo Avalon Durand
9 April 2022 at 7:37 pmOh the middle card is a good one – divine timing is at work 🥰