Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle
Hello and Welcome 😊.  Let’s get into today’s Oracle Inspiration for you! Take a minute to settle, centre, and take a cleansing breath – ask, ‘which card holds an inspirational message for me?’ – and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering, either Left, Middle, Right, or All Three. As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

It’s Sunday 4 June and a Full Moon in Sagittarius. Draw on this energy of optimism to power your outlook on life and your intentions for this Full Moon. It will help with knowing things will improve even if things seem a little rocky right now.
Now, are you ready for your message ?……Today’s cards are from The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle (Colette Baron Reid).

Left Card:
The Earth Faery offers a double message. She says to pay attention to your physical body, either with exercise, diet or activity. Indulge your body’s senses, your body houses your Spirit and needs to be honoured. Get into your body and out of your head (hehe and the over analysing). Get your hands dirty, or walk barefeet, get grounded to the living earth. In addition, or alternatively, ensure the foundations of what you’re working on are solid: projects, relationships, business ideas, and families all need to have sturdy, steady foundations. The Earth Faery will help you, if asked.
Middle Card:
The Deer reminds you to step gently on your path. Gentle movements and diplomacy are required at this time. You still have great strength about you, but you can choose to direct your energy gently. Remember to be gentle with yourself too, you could be coming out of something difficult and still finding your footing.
Right Card:
Disruption is showing that there are shaky foundations and the potential for a shake up is around. Perhaps a toppling of plans and ideas or of something hard won, worked for. Remember that chaos is the ultimate cleanser, and that delays and upsets can have hidden gift of opportunity within them. Rethink, rebuild, and refortify that which was previously unstable, or take the opportunity to start anew.
Three cards together:
Grounding and good, firm foundations are key at this time. Everything you do must be based on solid preparation. It is advisable to tread lightly at this time too, while you’re finding your way in this new environment. Remember that gentleness is not weakness, you are just choosing to express your strength in a focused way. This will be useful for when your navigating the rethink and rebuild aspect of something your experiencing.
I hope you find these messages inspirational for you today, I do enjoy preparing them for you – leave a comment below if you like, I’d love to hear from you. Thank you for your replies to this post either on Facebook or by email – I read every comment and appreciate your connection. If it inspires you, please feel free to share with friends 💚. If you would rather receive the Saturday Afternoon Oracle directly into your inbox, then please sign up for a newsletter at the right of this page. My in-person Intuitive Readings are available again – you can ring 0414775612 to book in or purchase an Email Reading here.
Jo Avalon (4 June 2023)
Words inspired by the guidebook.