Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Jo Avalon’s Weekly News and Oracle

Hello 😊 It’s been admin week, with a quick trip to Sydney to meet a friend and do some speed crystal shopping for my next popup. Sydney’s Mind-Body-Spirit Festival is next Thursday to Sunday and I’ll be at the Aura Photographics stand. I really love all the colourful photos and the hope and creativity that they represent. Your Soul Diary 2024 and the Australian Nature Wheel 2024 poster are both being well received (thank you πŸ’š) and I look forward to sending them out when I return from SA in early November. They are both available on the website now to order – just click on the pictures to be taken to the website.

Now, let’s get into today’s Oracle Inspiration for you!  Take a minute to settle, centre, and take a cleansing breath – ask, β€˜which card holds an inspirational message for me?’ – and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering, either Left, Middle, Right, or All Three. As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

Don’t worry, it’s not your eyes. Who knows why it’s partly blurry!!!

It’s Saturday 7 October and a Third Quarter Moon in Cancer.Β  You may feel emotional ups and downs, so try not to dwell on the downs – this is a great time for evaluating, forgiving and letting go. This will make room for what you do want to bring in as well as creating a sense of belonging.

Now, are you ready for your messages?……Today’s cards are from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot (AE Waite & Pamela Coleman Smith).

Left Card:

The Page of Wands – is someone who likes to do things their own way, rather independent and nonconforming. You might find them among the masses, gathering intel for their next venture, and then you next see them popping up unexpectedly with a fully-fledged plan in hand. If you chose this card, see yourself sitting quietly studying your environment and hatching a cunning plan to bring things and people together to move forward in unity. You’ll get your recognition later.

Middle Card:

The Ace of Wands – is your sign to get ready for action. If you’ve been on the lookout for an opportunity to make a change, then the time is near. Get the car serviced, pack your bag, put your plans in order and be ready to seize it without hesitation. If your intuition is buzzing about something, act on it.

Right Card:

The Nine of Cups – indicates happiness is best achieved through service to others (in this instance). Be open to following your intuition in this situation as it will guide you to what lights you up. Being emotionally guarded and overly rational won’t produce as good results. Prioritise bonding and connectedness rather than control and management of this situation.

All Three Cards:

Together, these cards are a powerful message of quiet analysis and preparation (there’s no need to announce yourself just yet), and trusting your intuition on the right moment to make your move. If you are expected to lead or manage a situation, then it might wiser to do so from the rear, that is, by encouraging and nurturing rather than from the front, such as instructing and directing.. that way you will bring people and resources together for unity, happiness and fulfilment.

I hope you find these messages inspirational for you today, I do enjoy preparing them for you – feel free to comment on this post on my website – perhaps you can share what is happening for you this week – I read every comment and I’d love to hear from you.Β Β  If you would like a more in-depth personal reading, you can purchase an Email Reading here. I hope you have an awesome week πŸ’œ.

Jo Avalon (7 October 2023

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