Creativity & Contemplation – Simonette Vaja

Creativity & Contemplation – Simonette Vaja


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Author:  Simonette Vaja
Description:  44-card deck with guidebook
ISBN:  068-0-5950-0427
Publisher:  Loving Life Strategies, 2014
Cards for Mindful Living that have evolved from the inspiration of the natural environment

“In psychology and healing modalities there are many approaches or ways of being: Simonette Vaja‘s card series encourage mindfulness and meditation practices, promote kindness and human values as guiding principles for living a meaningful and healthy life, and maintaining enriching relationships.  You probably realise that this way doesn’t happen in a vacuum separate from your environment or Culture and so by choosing to live according to sacred and important values, you can be reminded that we are all connected and that your actions or non-actions do impact others and your environment and Cultural context.

Compassionate ecology is a term Simonette references that embrace an embodied spiritual practice.  It involves personal inquiry through contemplation and meditative practices, being mindful, noticing your own passion and creativity, and includes an ongoing daily practice of contributing to your community in regular loving action that is inspired by your personal insights.  Ikigai is the Japanese term roughly translated as “Your reason for living” and is strongly related to having an optimistic view of the future.

There are nine categories of Virtues and Values within this contemplation series.  By developing these qualities and characteristics through regular contemplation and compassionate action, you can enrich your life and those around you.  So that your actions benefit and contribute to All.

When you select a virtue from the 44 Contemplation Cards, you can hold this quality in your mind and heart; this can be an underlying and conscious guide to your actions throughout your life.  This mindfulness practice can facilitate contributing to your everyday life in effective ways.  By contemplating a specific image/word association card, your imagination is activated, deeply connecting you to an emotional realisation.

Simonette Vaja is a Creativity Psychologist and Clinical Hypnotherapist with over 20 years of clinical experience.  Simonette has developed numerous personal development and psychological materials for the general public, corporate training programs, and her successful creativity community programs.  She helps people to overcome and manage personal, interpersonal, and work-lifestyle issues.  Simonette operates her clinic and ‘Creativity Retreat’ from the Blue Mountains, NSW.

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