Plant Spirit Gardener – Alanna Moore

Plant Spirit Gardener – Alanna Moore


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Author:  Alanna Moore
Description:  206-page book
ISBN:  978-0-9757-7829-6
Publisher:  Python Press, Nov 2016
Guides And Inspirational Messages

Gardening can deeply nurture our heart and soul, especially if we become aware of the invisible realms and want to be a co-creator with the spirits of nature.  We can be shamans in our own backyards practising ‘divine gardening’ with the down-to-earth esoteric wisdom in this book, the eighth from Australian-Irish geomancer Alanna Moore.  Everything a sensitive gardener needs to do to profoundly connect with Mother Nature is here.  There are instructions for learning pendulum dowsing and its applications for the garden, with eleven charts and lists of information to dowse from.  This unique reference book, a paperback of 206 pages, is full of universal and also highly personal insights.  It is richly illustrated with 106 all colour photographs and nine line diagrams to help you discover and practise the fascinating art of gardening with the devas – the fairy kingdom.

Alanna Moore is a master dowser with over 30 years of experience.  She helped to found the New South Wales Dowsing Society in 1984 and is now a patron of the Australian Dowsers Society.  She is the author of seven books, has made 21 films, and has produced several magazines about dowsing in Australia since 1982.  Geomantica magazine began in 1998 and went online in 2000.

Alanna has extensively travelled around Australia teaching dowsing and geomancy, and building Power Towers to enhance plant growth.  Since 2000 she has been an international speaker and teacher, presenting in New Zealand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Holland, Poland, Sweden, UK and Ireland.  Alanna is also a permaculture farmer and teacher, specialising in ‘sensitive permaculture’ design. She is married to Peter Cowman, an Irish architect and director of the Living Architecture Centre, and general IT guy for Geomantica.

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