Jo Avalon’s Saturday Oracle

Jo Avalon’s Saturday Oracle

It’s one week into 2023 and a Full Moon in Cancer today, which is a good time to be releasing emotions, perhaps focusing on issues with family it’s a great time to be clearing out clutter from your home. I hope your New Year festivities were as you’d hoped them to be, or perhaps you are awaiting the pagan new year in May….  Here is this Saturday’s Oracle Inspiration for you!  Let’s get into today’s cards!

Take a minute to settle, centre, and take a cleansing breath – ask, ‘which card holds an inspirational message for me?’ and choose your card from today’s Oracle offering, either Left, Middle, or Right. As always, the reveal is further down this post – enjoy!

It’s funny actually, I’ve started using the Your Soul Diary that I produced for this year, which includes the moon phases as prompts for journaling.  When I turned over to the page for today, I laughed because today’s lunar theme explained what I was doing last night intuitively – I had this sudden urge to go through some old paperwork that has been literally gathering dust in the corner of the sunroom. I threw out old bills, news clippings and letters from real estates. I’ve kept the rental leases since I moved out of home though – $195 for a two-bedroom flat in Artarmon in 1991! Anyway, it reminded me that you can feel the energy of the moon and work with it intuitively, and then be comforted that you’re tuning in and on track.

Today, I spent a lovely couple of hours with an old friend who is planning some van-camping trips and we swapped ideas of what to take, what not to leave at home and tips for feeling confident on the road. I wish I could leave the head chatter at home!!  You know the voice I’m talking about 🤣.

Now, are you ready for your message?……Today’s cards are from Angels of Light oracle by Ambika Wauters.

I did shuffle the cards, I promise!!

Left Card:

Angel of Blessings teaches us that we’re are constantly blessed by the Divine and that our entire lives, including the pain, losses and suffering, build us into perfect vessels to channel Divine Love flowing through us. The negative experiences are blessings to be grateful for, for how else do we learn and grow in strength, grace and courage. Affirmation – I am abundantly graced with blessings.

Middle Card:

Angel of Repose can help us create balance in our schedules with time for fun, time to relax, and time to enjoy ourselves. Taking time for ourselves creates inner harmony and peace of mind. And knowing we are worthy and deserving of peace and harmony lets us draw a self-preserving boundary, so that work and pleasure are balanced. Rest gives us the opportunity to focus on the goals that bring peace to the spirit and repose to the body. Affirmation – I avail myself of the gift of rest and repose as often as needed.

Right Card:

Angel of Transformation guides us in letting go of what blocks our happiness and impedes our spiritual growth. Transformation comes out of self-love for who we are. It stimulates inner growth and self-acceptance. Its rewards are peace, love and joy. Affirmation – I embrace positive transformation that enhances the quality of my life.

Three cards together:

Angel of Blessings teaches us that all experiences are blessings in some way, so that we become strong and graceful vessels of Divine Love. Angel of Repose shows us that rest is important to creating inner balance and calm, thereby allowing us to express gratitude for our blessings. Angel of Transformation shows us how to let go of blocks and embrace self-acceptance and happiness.

I hope you find these messages inspirational for you today, I do enjoy preparing them for you – leave a comment below if you like, I’d love to hear from you. If I have sent you here from Facebook or Instagram and you would rather receive the Saturday Afternoon Oracle directly into your inbox, then please sign up for a newsletter at the right of this page.

Jo Avalon (7 January 2023)

Words directly from the guidebook.

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