Are you planning or planting a garden?

Are you planning or planting a garden?

Years ago, while I was at uni, I worked on an organic farm near the Cattai River.

The farmer had a contract to supply Cos Lettuce and Coriander to the organic markets in Melbourne. The lettuces grew beautifully and I can still remember watching him cut them and helping him pack them in waxed boxes ready for the courier.

I can also vividly remember the scent of Coriander as I weeded the seedlings and later harvested the grown plants.

I would have to say that job was the most real and satisfying job in my life. It is no mistake that I now let you know that Avalon by Nature is stocking a selection of Organic and non-Organic herb and veggie seeds and that this is a new direction for us here at Avalon. The link to the Select Organic range is live and the Eden Seeds range will be available within the next few days.

Select Organics – Coriander & Cos Lettuce

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