Sweet Dreams (Mini Cards) – Rose Inserra


Sweet Dreams (Mini Cards) – Rose Inserra

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $18.00.

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Sweet Dreams
Author:  Rose Inserra
Description:  40 mini cards
ISBN: 978-1-9256-8221-2
Publisher:  Rockpool Publishing, April 2018
Night time affirmations before bed

Connect with your dreams, develop your intuition and become fully present in your waking life with these inspiring Sweet Dreams mini cards.  Dreams offer insights into your innermost self and connect you to the realm of spirit, magic and intuition.  Each card in this deck contains messages and affirmations to guide you through each day and connect you to your deepest, inner wisdom.  Simply choose a card and read the message before you go to sleep, or on waking, to bring insight to a particular question.  Or simply let the card be your guiding light towards peace, light and love.  Your dreams will guide you during your waking life to connect with your deepest emotions to inspire, heal and to manifest all that you wish for.

Rose Inserra is the best-selling author of Dictionary of Dreams, the Dream Reading Cards, Dreams, and the Mists of Avalon Oracle and is a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.  Rose contributes regularly to print media, radio and television.

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